Rain Water Harvesting

Rain fall on roof tops of houses, buildings, go-downs and sheds can be collected, filtered and stored in open wells, bore wells or storage tanks and re used. There is no need of Softeners in the rain water harvesting house. It reducing the water bill, power consumption and least capital investment with maximum benefits for all areas.

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Bore Well Recharge

Artificial recharging of bore wells is a simple technique where in rain water is directly injected into the ground at a very faster rate and as much quantity as is possible. Better use of local materials like boulders, small pebbles and sand is made along with modern inputs like nylon net etc to create conditions for a better recharging.

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Ground Water Rejuvenation

Ground water recharge includes recharge as a natural part of the hydrologic cycle, either directly through spreading basins or injection wells, or as a consequence of human activities such as irrigation and waste disposal. Artificial recharge with excess surface water or reclaimed wastewater is increasing in many areas.

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